Omkar ... Is the medium by which every Atman (soul) connects itself with the Creator of the cosmos. Every Yogi, Mystic or a Sadhu chants this word again and again to rise higher and higher on the Cosmic plane. One has to maintain absolute purity of thought to reap the fruits of practicing such austerities.
Domain of religious and mystic personalities, right chanting with hundred percent faith alone shall produce results. Omkar has a resonating effect and produces non-audible but high pitched which travels on speeds above that of light (i.e. above 1,86,000 miles per second (about 3,000,000 kms per second).
Light from sun reaches earth within eight and half minutes. For Omkar to reach sun takes but a fraction of a second. Within the core of sun resides the divine.
Of the cosmos is one. Call it by the name of Brahman, Bhagwan, Prabhu or Parmatma the Creator of the whole cosmos shall ever remain one. Consider it having a form or a form less being, a mighty computer preset to function based on the Karma of all individual beings ... it never interferes with the Karma or the Destiny of one.
Pray and thy destiny will change. Hope shall you not. Numerous are the ways to pray, whether you go to a temple, mosque or a church. All paths lead to him. Choice is yours ... All are correct! To reach him, search thy within. Encounter your innerself and you shall arrive at the truth which evaded all your life. When you prayed you invoked the mighty powers of one who is above all. Submit to him with all humility. He is there to guide you at each and every stage of life.
Whatever be the nature of our prayers, shall we not forget that we shall always get what we truly desire. We have but to perform our Karma. Good thoughts earn Punya (merits) and bad thoughts result in Papa (sins).
To rise above the ordinary think lofty thoughts, help thy community and you shall be graced by God the Creator.